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What is the meaning of existence?

Since our founding in 2024, our mission has been to "increase the color variations" and create a multicultural society where all people, regardless of nationality, race, gender, or politics, can feel glad to be born and live here.


"Let's increase the color variation"

In modern society, while diverse values intersect, people's perspectives tend to become narrow due to information overload and stereotypes.


That is why we provide a place where diverse people can come together, regardless of nationality, culture, or ideology. Through multicultural events where English is the common language, we create opportunities for people to come into contact with new perspectives and values, learn, and grow together.


The creative self-expression that is born from the fusion of diverse cultures and values will foster talent who can thrive in a global society, and ultimately become the driving force behind the creation of new services that can contribute to society.


Furthermore, by hosting a wide variety of events, we provide an opportunity for people who have had limited opportunities to participate in society to indirectly connect with society. We aim to share the joy of living together and realize a truly symbiotic society.



Brave hearts (国際日本共創会​)



33-4-201 Umegaoka, Aoba-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa





Problem-solving, proposal, and awareness-raising activities through the implementation of international exchange conferences

Number of members



Kensei sato Haruto Yamazaki

Officers / Advisor

山﨑 遼大 Haruto Yamazaki 山﨑遼大 山﨑はると


Ryodai Yamazaki - Principal Researcher - Representative Director - Head of Organization Management Division Specializing in international economics and development economics, Yamazaki has deep insights into the economic growth and social inclusion of emerging countries, and the economic aspects of multicultural societies. He has been interested in the international community since high school, and through his research on economic integration and cultural diversity in Southeast Asia, he has focused on the possibility of economic synergy brought about by multicultural coexistence. He is currently writing a thesis on the theme of "Economic Synergy in a Multicultural Coexistence Society," and the results of his research are expected to have an impact not only on the academic world but also on the policy-making field. In 2024, he co-founded the NPO organization "Brave Hearts," which aims to realize a multicultural coexistence society, and became its representative director. Brave Hearts' activities are diverse, including analyzing multicultural coexistence societies from an economics perspective and making innovative policy proposals regarding the balance between the economic contribution and social integration of foreign workers. The Multicultural Coexistence Policy Research Lab is conducting research on "Harmonizing national economic strategies and multicultural coexistence policies in the age of globalization," and will organically link Brave Hearts' practical activities with academic research to present a concrete path toward realizing a multicultural society. Representative Yamazaki's research and activities show that multicultural coexistence is not merely an ideal, but can be a realistic strategy for achieving both economic growth and social development. In today's society where globalization is accelerating, his presence is attracting more and more attention as someone who opens up new horizons for multicultural coexistence policies in Japan.

佐藤 謙成

Kensei sato

Kensei Sato Career: 2024 Founder of Brave Hearts, appointed as Representative Director Specialty: Multicultural coexistence policy, international exchange for young people Passionate about international exchange and solving social problems since high school. With the belief that "dialogue is essential for a symbiotic society," he is working hard to realize a multicultural coexistence society in Japan. Motto: "The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it. -The lion king"

George Okoth

George Okoth

BA in Special Education (English Literature). MA in International Relations and Public Service in Vocational Training Institutions from the International University of Japan. International Organization Program Certification. Skills Expertise in STATA data analysis. Content marketing, data analysis (including Google Analytics, pivot tables), email marketing, digital advertising (Meta, GADS), social network account management, influencer marketing, SEO. Experience 4 years of teaching experience in primary education institutions and technical and vocational training institutions. Roles in education, livelihood training, management, and customer relationship management. Virtual assistant. Career: Program Coordinator (Resilience and Solutions). Content marketing, data analysis, email marketing, digital advertising, social network account management, influencer marketing, SEO, etc.


Ryotaro Kikuma

BA in Special Education (English Literature). MA in International Relations and Public Service in Vocational Training Institutions from the International University of Japan. International Organization Program Certification. Skills Expertise in STATA data analysis. Content marketing, data analysis (including Google Analytics, pivot tables), email marketing, digital advertising (Meta, GADS), social network account management, influencer marketing, SEO. Experience 4 years of teaching experience in primary education institutions and technical and vocational training institutions. Roles in education, livelihood training, management, and customer relationship management. Virtual assistant. Career: Program Coordinator (Resilience and Solutions). Content marketing, data analysis, email marketing, digital advertising, social network account management, influencer marketing, SEO, etc.

Brand Name

The name Brave Hearts contains the words "Brave" meaning "brave" and "Heart" meaning "heart," symbolizing the strong will to "have a strong heart that is able to face any difficulty without fear."

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